HeBANE (Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East), a Digital Hammurabi production, is an engaging podcast focused on presenting information on the Hebrew Bible and its intersection with the Ancient Near East. Join Dr. Joshua Bowen as he dives into this fascinating world, seeking to understand the context of the Hebrew Bible and those who wrote it.This podcast aims to engage with the latest and greatest in academic research, bringing consensus scholarship directly to you in an easily-understood format, so you can enjoy fascinating content wherever you are!
7 episodes
The Bible's Ancient Near Eastern Context: Interview with Dr. Eckart Frahm
It's difficult to understand the Hebrew Bible without being aware of the time and place in which it was written - the context - which places it firmly in the tradition of Ancient Near Eastern literature. Dr. Eckart Fram, Professor of Near...
Season 1
Episode 7
Rape, Adultery, and other Sex Crimes in the Ancient World: Interview with Jay Caballero
What were considered rape, adultery, or other sex crimes in the ancient world? Sex and sexuality have always been highly regulated - even in antiquity, legal texts delineated between normative behavior and criminal acts. Ph.D. student, Jay Caba...
Season 1
Episode 5
Did MOSES Write the Torah? Interview with Dr. Joel Baden
Many people hold firmly to the idea of Mosaic authorship - that Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. But is there any evidence for this belief, and if not - who DID write it?The Documentary Hypothesis - people often re...
Season 1
Episode 5
VIOLENCE in the OLD TESTAMENT - Examining Biblical Values with Dr. John J. Collins
It is very easy to see that many of the commands and laws in the Old Testament fall far short of what we would consider to be morally acceptable in today's society. Slavery, genocide, treatment of women... we cringe at many of the passages that...
Season 1
Episode 4
Slavery in the Hebrew Bible
Slavery in the Hebrew Bible can be a contentious issue - was slavery permitted? Was it endorsed? What kinds of laws regulated the treatment of slaves? In this episode of HeBANE, Dr. Josh provides an overview of exactly what the evidence says!
All About Assyriology, with guest host Skylar Fiction
Come and join Dr. Josh's friend, Skylar Fiction, and find out what makes Assyriology important!Skylar's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg7TaxaMn6eP721toaV33Lg
Back to School! Scribal Education in the ANE
Remember what it was like when you were in school? Listening to the teacher, doing your exercises, eating lunch with your friends... But what was school like in the Ancient Near East? How did students learn to read, write, and assimilate ...
Season 1
Episode 1